Saturday, July 22, 2006

Thinking too hard about Star Wars.

In the rest of this section is a long piece I wrote having spent ages wondering a) why so many people like Star Wars and b) whether you could get any value out of 'reading' the films through the filter of Jungian theory. On the latter point you'll have to make up your own mind, if you get to the end of what follows. On the former I'm afraid I'm no further on. They really are toss, you know.

Given the inordinate length of this essay (not unlike the films themselves. That's what we call parallel process, kids), I've broken it up into sections on the major themes. Hope that helps. Here are quick links to the different sections, if that helps with navigation.

Freud, Jung, Lucas and the hero

The quest and psychoanalysis

'Do you remember your mother?'

The story so far: archetypal dynamics

'You're the nearest thing I have to a father'

'I've been seeing her in my dreams...vivid dreams... scary dreams'

'I've been seeing her in my dreams' #2 - Leia and Padme

'I've been seeing her in my dreams'#3 - the Mother

'I've been seeing her in my dreams' #4 - Anima, Episodes IV-VI

'I've been seeing her in my dreams' #5 Anima, Episodes I-III

'I've been seeing her in my dreams' #6 - Anima and the Mother

'I want her alive!



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